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Give the Gift of Concordia.

Everything we have, God owns.
Everything we need, God supplies.

在欧文康考迪亚大学,我们的捐赠者是投资者、信徒和梦想家. Your gifts of time, talent, and treasure help us advance the university's mission to develop wise, honorable, and cultivated citizens to serve society and the church. 

康考迪亚的学生是多年来虔诚的财政支持和每年成千上万的捐助者的恩人. 这是通过我们的天才教师和您的慷慨支持,学生接受最好的路德基督教大学教育,并通过他们的呼召进入世界服务上帝.

Together, we invest in the lives of our students, empower our faculty, and impact our community - both locally, and beyond our borders into the world. These three priorities are the heartbeat of Concordia.

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Stories of Impact

Your support is foundational to academic enterprise, the student experience, and our commitment to service for the common good.

  • Herb and Kiu

    Giving in Harmony

    Herb and Kiu Geisler, long-time fixtures of the Concordia community, have chosen to honor Concordia by including it in their living trust, 确保继续支持大学的使命和未来的努力.

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  • Dr. Kenney in a classroom

    Science Professor John Kenney Retires

    Professor John Kenney, 在康科迪亚建立科学项目的同时,还指导着无数的学生和教职员工, 在工作了22年后退休——并得到了大量的赞赏吗.

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  • 7th Annual CU Give Back

    Generation Giving: The Gueberts Donor Feature


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  • 7th Annual CU Give Back

    Library Renovation Brings Together Campus Resources

    The newly remodeled and renamed Paul and Cathy Schroeder Library & 学习共享通过一个新的欢迎中心促进学生的学习, writing center, unity center, career and vocation center, as well as enhanced tutoring services and academic advising. 现代、当代的设计将丰富学生在未来几年的学术经验.

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  • 7th Annual CU Give Back

    Giving Campaign Tops $200,000 in One Day

    The annual CU Give Back campaign raised more than $200,000 in 24 hours from a record number of donors.

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  • In Good Hands

    In Good Hands


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  • Jerry Ruud in Tie-Dye

    Heart of a Giver

    杰里·鲁德93岁,跟随上帝的召唤,在康考迪亚找到了友谊和支持. Since graduating and pursuing a successful career in sales, Jerry has maintained strong ties with Concordia, fellow alumni, 他还设立了捐赠基金,以纪念从他本科时代起对他很重要的人.

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  • LaVeda accepting her award

    LaVeda Carter's Leadership, Long Tenure Celebrated at Retirement

    拉维达·卡特(LaVeda Carter)担任过许多职位,是“奥巴马”等事件背后安静、推动的引擎 Gala of Stars, served Christ College/Concordia University Irvine for more than 40 years, as one of its first, and longest-serving employees.

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  • Doy Henley

    Still Making a difference

    Doy Henley, an Orange County businessman and philanthropist, 在他人生的第十个十年成为了康考迪亚大学欧文分校的慷慨捐赠者, knowing that, “You can’t take it with you,” he says. “You’ve got to invest it the best you know how.”

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  • The Howell Family

    Honoring the Legacy of Others

    When the opportunity came to name rooms in the newly-built Borland-Manske Center, 退休的洛杉矶市消防队员马克·豪厄尔和他的妻子劳里选择纪念许多对他们的信仰和音乐热爱做出贡献的人.

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  • Miseker Abate

    The Support Of Family

    兄弟姐妹艾弗里、卡什和艾德森·卡斯蒂尔选择一起上欧文康考迪亚大学. Both Gary Casteel, the kids’ grandfather-father, and Claudia Casteel, the kids’ grandmother-mother, were thrilled by the student’s choice. 加里和克劳迪娅拥有并经营着位于太浩湖著名滑雪胜地天堂村的商店, close to where they have lived for 50 years. Along with this, the family has enjoyed traveling often over the years. They have been active in the Lutheran church, 他们的三胞胎都是从路德教会教育到学前班再到大学.

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  • Miseker Abate

    Treating Body & Soul

    米塞克·阿巴特继承了她父亲一生中所体现的敬虔和关心他人的精神. For him, 这意味着在他们的祖国埃塞俄比亚成为神学教授, and then at Concordia Irvine. For Miseker, the path is in the field of medicine. 她最近在加州大学欧文分校获得医学学位,并在哈佛大学获得公共卫生硕士学位. She heads now to Cornell University for her surgical residency.

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  • Hank and Dixie Aschbrenner

    God Has a Bigger Shovel

    汉克和迪克西·阿什布伦纳夫妇在慷慨方面以身作则. 自1994年以来,汉克一直与康考迪亚欧文为许多项目筹集资金. 但是汉克不仅仅是筹集资金——阿什布伦纳夫妇将他们年收入的30%捐给路德教会的大学和教堂, and encourage others to do the same.

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  • Ryan Ellis

    Next Gen Golf Apparel

    When Ryan Ellis ’03 graduated from Concordia Irvine, 他决定不像他父亲和姐姐那样从事篮球事业, and instead launched into the clothing industry. Today, Ellis is president of Travis Mathew, the hottest brand in men's apparel for work and play, whose fans include actor Mark Wahlberg, TV celebrity Chris Harrison and dozens of PGA players, surfers and pro athletes.

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  • Elayne Lohr

    Shared Blessings

    Elayne和Paul Lohr从他们家族的鸡蛋生意中得到了巨大的祝福, which they helped grow from a small farm to a 60,000-bird ranch. That blessing has flowed down in their own family, 在CUI 35年的影响中,他们的慷慨帮助建立了校园,并通过奖学金支持学生.

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  • Bill and Audrey Dahlgren

    Innovation and Generosity

    Bill and Audrey Dahlgren, long-time CUI supporters, 通过创新的结合,打造了一个行业领先的公司和家族, risk-taking and prayer.

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  • Chris and Katherine Pond

    The Business of Giving Back

    克里斯·04和凯瑟琳·庞德05年来到康考迪亚尔湾,打算从事牧师工作和学校教学, respectively, but both wound up excelling in the field of business. Though still in their mid-thirties, 他们已经以各种方式成为康考迪亚欧文分校的坚定支持者.

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  • Virginia Slusser

    Making a Difference

    Not many people outlive their life insurance policies. At 100 years old, CUI donor Virginia Hoffman Slusser just did.

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  • Wooden cross in Good Shepherd Chapel

    Significant Grants Establish Two New Centers

    两笔总额超过50万美元的补助金将使CUI能够简化和扩大学生对教会领导的准备, 并通过探索信仰之间的联系,促进对职业更广泛的理解, work, and economics.

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  • Phyllis Talmage

    Longtime Supporter Helps Upgrade Eagles Nest

    On a mezzanine overlooking the gym is a newly re-designed Eagles Nest, an attractive, glass-enclosed room where CUI hosts special receptions, athletics team meetings, and seating during games. 这个房间的升级要感谢菲利斯·塔尔马奇(Phyllis Talmage),她自1973年以来一直是一位慷慨的捐赠者.

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  • Kelly and Cheryl Keithly

    Sowing Into the Future: Seeds of Faithfulness

    In the 1970s, 凯利和谢丽尔·基思利听了一位名叫查尔斯·曼斯克的先驱教育家的话, Concordia’s founding president, 在他们的教堂讲述南加州一所路德教会大学的愿景. His presentation inspired the young couple.

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  • Ryan and Lyndsay's framed music notes

    "Mighty" Music Inspires Scholarship Support

    97届的瑞恩和96届的林赛·埃尔梅林是在康考迪亚大学欧文分校的唱诗班认识的. Two years after graduating, 他们设立了Ein Feste Burg合唱奖学金,以支持合唱团和有经济需要的学生.

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